Healthcare Workers Watch


Our Updates

As of June 14, 2024


Healthcare workers killed in Palestine by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) since October 7, 2023


Palestinian Healthcare workers unlawfully detained by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) since October 7, 2023


Missing Healthcare workers in Palestine by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) since October 7, 2023


Testimonies of torture from released healthcare workers who were detained by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) since October 7, 2023

All Eyes On Rafah!

Israeli Occupation Forces killed 7 healthcare workers in Rafah since its invasion; 2 were burnt to death in the Rafah Tents Massacre, 2 paramedics were found charred and crushed after attacking their ambulance while on mission to rescue inured civilians, 2 healthcare workers were killed after an Israeli drone attacked Al-Kuwaiti hospital gate, and 1 healthcare worker was killed by IOF's attack on his home in Rafah
Dr Adnan Al-Bursh

Latest Press Release

Renowned Gazan Consultant Orthopaedics Surgeon tortured, killed in Israeli prison

We are appalled by the grim news of killing Dr Adnan Al-Bursh inside Ofer Israeli Prison.

Dr Al-Bursh is a renowned Consultant Orthopaedics Surgeon, and Head of Orthopaedics Department at Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza.

Dr Al-Bursh had to evacuate Al-Shifa Hospital after its first invasion. He then refused to let his lifesaving duty and moved to the Indonesian Hospital in North Gaza, where he was targeted by IOF missile while operating on a patient in the OR.

After the invasion of the Indonesian Hospital, he moved to Al-Awda Hospital in North Gaza. On 17th December 2023, IOF invaded Al-Awda Hospital, and abducted Dr Al-Bursh.

A leaked photo showed Dr Al-Bursh in Israeli detention. A released detainee testified that Dr Al-Bursh was brutally tortured and repeatedly hit by IOF soldiers on his head.

Dr Al-Bursh was executed by IOF inside prison on 19th April 2024. His body is still in Israeli detention to hide the only evidence on this brutal crime!

We at Healthcare Workers Watch – Palestine condemn the execution of Dr Al-Bursh and the killing of over 500 healthcare workers and the unlawful detention of over 300 healthcare workers all over Palestine by Israel Occupation Forces.

This must stop !!

Healthcare workers must not be a target. Healthcare workers must be respected and protected.

Healthcare Workers Watch – Palestine

2nd May 2024

Testimonies of Torture

A hint of appalling testimonies of torture documented by Healthcare Workers Watch - Palestine from released Palestinian healthcare workers who were detained by IOF

" IOF soldiers took my face ID and then asked me about my name and work, just when I told them that I am a nurse, all of them hit me on my face with everything they hold, -he continued while crying- they questioned me for 10 minutes then they left me and moved to my colleuges, they unleashed dogs on my colleagues, I have heard their voices screaming while being hit. Then they took a number of them and left the hospital and resumed bombing the surrounding till 5 PM"
Nurse Mohammed Al-Kahlout, Chief nurse, The Indonesian Hospital, North Gaza
"It was so hard! Utter humiliation!, in every sense of the word. Dealing with harmful and predatory animals is gentler than what we encountered! We were detained in several places for several days. We were detained for long clod nights in the open air, on top of the gravel, covered by the cold from the previous trough. Our hands were bleeding from the tight handcuffs. We lost sensation from the intense pressure on our limbs. For two days, they prevented us from relieving ourselves or even drinking a sip of water."
Intensive Care Unit Specialist, The Indonesian Hospital, North Gaza
"He pulled my hair and covered my face with sand and made me eat from it. Then he asked me, so do you want to admit that you are Hamas or should I let the young men put an electric baton in your ass and cut off your dick? I told him “I am not Hamas and you accuse me of being Hamas. I am not Hamas”. He told me, I will make you confess, I will bring your mother and undress her in front of the guys"
Nurse, Beit Hanoun Hospital, North Gaza

About Healthcare Workers Watch

Healthcare Workers Watch – Palestine is an initiative by Palestinian healthcare workers to monitor and spotlight the attacks against healthcare facilities and healthcare workers all over Palestine. We aim to fill in the reporting and documenting gap due to the collapse of the Palestinian healthcare system.


We collect our data independently through “social media listening”, mainly from social media accounts -that we verify- of relatives and colleagues of victims mourning them. We also double-check reports from the Palestinian Ministry of Health, hospitals’ social media platforms, healthcare workers’ relevant associations’ websites, and local media agencies.

Healthcare workers must not be a target. Healthcare workers must be respected and protected.
Healthcare Workers Watch - Palestine